
Sunday, May 25, 2014


Oh! boy look at the boy
look at that boy!
weaker he may look
what he has got?,
what he seek?,
that's all the questions ma mind picked!
I was shocked
way, the problems he knocked
the tight hugs he hugged

like a rose he grows
aware of the thorns
keeping an eye on horns
who looks upon sky which lay shy
by winning the Game he did, Hi!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

MY Valentine: MOTHER

I cried, laughed, played and foremost felt fortified
the reason was SHE
SHE didn't hate no matter what I did or said
I didn't realized the time has flown away
there SHE is grown into old and me into new young
NO matter what; where I am and what I've become
SHE always manages to SAY heartily;
“how’s My life?’; ‘r u eating…?!’
Despite the fact that hunger may keep her beating
SHE never let her love not to be lasting
and is true for the future too
Even If I forget ‘SHE’ is who??!
And that being I call her mother
who cares and loves despite of the fact; I bother

Saturday, January 4, 2014


In the world of selfish
            Even the single object is selfish;
You are not given care
            But you shouldn’t fear;
Ahead if you want to go
            More things are there to know;
Moving towards the light
            Forgetting about the misery nights;
Staying always with good friends

            With face like happiest fence